Sunday, July 26, 2015

Tread Bike Rear End Update - WIP #3

I did a little work on the rear end of the bike. I figure the big tank would be a massive fuel tank and make the smaller tank is some sort of nitrous oxide, or Orky squig fuel equivalent, to help the engine get extra power.

I'm pretty pleased with how the tanks fit on the back and how the fuel inlet line enter into the body pretty seamlessly.

However, the rear end is a little rougher looking. There was a wide gap on either side of the tread because of how I had to separate the two halves of the bike to fit the tread under the rider's seat. To cover some of the gap, I added some plates with bolts. I tried to make it a bit more Orky by using two types of bolts, but I didn't think to do that until I already had a bunch of the brown ones on. Maybe I should remove a brown round one and replace it with a black hex bolt so it looks more homemade. I still need to do some scraping and touching up, especially around where I drilled the exhausts, but it is looking decent.

I also added a little rear facing glyph. I like to imagine it means something equivalent to the middle finger in human culture! If you can read this, you're too zoggin' slow!

I looked hard at extending the exhausts with plastic pipe to help balance the rear end of the bike relative to the massive guns on the front. But it just didn't look right because the marine bike exhausts have those rectangular slits and I couldn't make mine match them.

So I think I am about done with this bike other than smoothing out some rough areas. I will paint the rider and handlebars separately so I can reach everything and then glue them together painted.

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