Monday, February 20, 2017

The Brotherhood of the Wind

The Brotherhood of the Wind
Legiones Astartes White Scars
Shown here circa 012.M31  - 014.M31 during the First Xhorik War and the Battle for Terra

We hit the enemy everywhere at once, but when they attempt to strike back, it as if they are striking the air. And when we concentrate our might, what in nature can stand against the tornado, the cyclone, the tsunami? 

Even the greatest mountain is worn to dust by the wind.

Our allies in the Legiones and the Auxillia are the forest fires. They think they are the true destructive forces of the Imperium. But what is the fire without the wind to fuel it? We provide the fuel for their destructive power by disrupting the enemy, weakening him and leaving him out of position so that our allies have achieved victory before their first blow is struck. Thus the fires of their destructive power are fueled.

Is it enough that the Imperium succeeds? No. All others must fail. Thus are the words of Jaghatai Khan. 

For the Emporer and the Khan!

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