Sunday, September 20, 2020

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter Ariunbold

The Primaris-Lightning Strike Figher Ariunbold:

I went with grey since that seems to be the standard color of jets. I'd like it to fit in with either the White Scars or with the Drop Troops as Imperial Navy support.

You have to love the unique wing shape combined with the blocky style of Imperial vehicles. 

The Ariunbold performs close ground attacks in support of land forces. Detailed targeting information is provided by recon squads such as Squad Chono.

Twin-linked lascannon and a payload of six Kraken Heavy Penetrator Missiles.

The last thing a tank commander sees...

This is was a beautiful model to put together and paint. (It helped that I didn't paint it white!)

1 comment:

  1. Killer job. I especially like the glass. Bright and pleasing to the eye with that vital bit of color. Weathering looks good too, like it's been streaking through smoke choked skies and past many burning enemies
