Sunday, August 21, 2022

Radar Tower

Back in July I painted up this scratch-built terrain piece, the second made from a lampshades as a base structure (the first being the Antenna Tower last year). Nothing too fancy here, just a lampshade, a CD for a base, a toilet paper roll holder for the mast, and a broken sprinkler piece for the radar dish. Add a Lego wire, a few bolts and bits and it is a passable piece of quick and cheap terrain. I dirtied it up with the usual washes and Typhus Corrosion but I also tried some oil paints to get a feel for them before trying them on the White Scars. 

It is my goal to mix in at least two pieces of terrain every year to ensure we have plenty of variety for our battles. 


  1. Definitely has a very dated look to it, like it's ancient tech from the dark age of technology

  2. Good. I think the weathering is decent. I did something that unintentionally caused the grey paint on the dish to start to bubble and crack. I think it was the gloss varnish. So I decided to go with it and paint corrosion over the worst spots where the paint actually flaked off and try to make that spot just look extra weathered.
