Monday, April 4, 2022

Grenade Launchers

 Before I start painting my dreadnought, I had to finish up these Steel Legion troopers with grenade launchers that I started back in February. 

This puts me at about 25 guys done out of the 60 metal models. 


  1. Very unique. I don't think any other army has an all grenade launcher squad. Too bad they're all in identical poses

  2. I have six of the Steel Legion infantry squads so there are six of each model. Depending on the rule set, I can use them as a special weapons squad or as special weapons in the regular infantry squad. Mixing them in the other squads makes the lack of variation less noticeable. I painted them all together figuring six of the same model would be faster. The positive side of the old metal models is they are quick to assemble and you never have to worry about one breaking and needing to be re-glued.

    The grenade launcher is a fun-sounding weapon that really doesn't get to play much of a role, unfortunately, other than in games like Necromunda, Kill Team or Shadow War:Armageddon. I hope they get new rules in the Horus Heresy update to give them a role. As it stands, a guardsman with grenade launcher only has less than a 1/6 chance of killing a marine and a 1/12 chance of glancing the lightest armor of any vehicle. Even against light infantry, they are pretty underwhelming. But with metal models, you do not get to choose the weapon!

  3. It is a strange phenomenon in Warhammer how explosive weapons are weak unless they're a tank cannon. Frag missiles and shots from a frag grenade launcher are puny, unlike their video game counterparts. Instead of chosing frag or krak, they should always fire a str 8 blast. Missiles are supposed to frag people! Ka-boom!!! Nothing left but gooey chucks (aka gibs in Doom, as in giblets) or a pair of smoking books like in Fallout
