Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Industrial Storage and Mixing Facility

Large, two-level terrain piece representing some kind of fluid storage, pumping and mixing facility. Made from two large peanut cans, carboard tubes, Sector Mechanicus terrain and other bits. I gave it a quick drybrush and weathering job to get it ready for the upcoming big game. It would be nice to do some more weathering and decals later when I have time. 


  1. Love the wide platforms to allow some nice melee and larger creatures to fit. I don't wanna be the worker who has to descend a hatch at the top of a ladder! He'll have to hang on w his arms and flip his legs over without knocking his teeth out. But that's how it goes...

  2. Maybe he just climbs the ladder, pops the hatch, and checks the oil. Or stirs a giant vat of boiling pasta
