Friday, April 3, 2020

Death Guard Legion Tactical Support Squad

Bringing forth hell to the city of Berat

The city of Berat will suffer. Not just by the pounding of shell and mortar. Not only by the chain axe and bolter. No dear friends, the fate of Berat is much, much worse. The Sons of Mortarian will unleash their dreaded chemical and rad weaponry upon both the soldier and citizen. Man, woman and child will be consumed, burned, liquified and rotted into filth. Berat can hope for a quick death, but they will not get it...


  1. Great background. Certainly conveys the feeling of grim destruction. Are those flamers? Or the equivalent? The people of Berat need to freaking evacuate! The loyalists are quick and the traitors slow. Perhaps this is Phil's opportunity to shine. A scenario in which bikes are checking for stragglers and helping them flee as Pete's guys slowly cover the map, hosing down each building in toxic poo. Hm, I like the idea. Lots of objectives, aka buildings and assorted hiding places, scattered all over a large map. Loyalists touch em to secure em and traitors destroy or corrupt em

  2. The flamer squad looks great and the background is brilliant. Yes, Bill, they are flamers but the Death Guard can give them toxic-green-poison flames, or something, that lets them re-roll to wound! Yikes. Those will make short work of the squishy guardsmen in their very flammable armor. I am sure many will be "liquefied and rotted into filth"...
