Sunday, January 25, 2015

WIP: Trukk Update

I normally don't post work-in-progress photos since I think it takes away from the first impression of seeing it fully modeled and painted. But since this trukk is taking a long time, I figured I would give a quick update just so I don't go an entire month without a new post!

Here are the first three sub-assemblies put together. I increased the length of the trukk by adding a third rear axle and extending the bed. I want it to look like it could really hold twelve 'ard boyz, including a nob. The areas painted as metal and rust are pretty much finished, but the red areas just have a base coat down and will need highlighting and weathering. I still need to add the side panels, the crew area, the exhaust and the rest of the ram/grill in front. There are so many spots that would be impossible to reach without painting it in sub-sections. Even with simple, rough Ork painting, this thing is going to take a long time.

Besides extending the length, I am adding some battle damage and working on a kustom rokkit launcha for the gunner since the box only comes with the big shoota option for some reason. I'm not planning to add the boarding planks (too expensive in game terms), but I am still debating on the wrekkin' ball. It may be a bit too pricey to be good, but I think it would be fun so I might add it.

Hopefully, I will have it done in the next week or two. Wish me luck.

Update 1/31/15:
Here is most of the driver. I am painting his other arm and then I'll glue it all together in the trukk.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! At least as good as half the stuff I see online. I'm surprised that the finished vehicle will be much more detailed!
