Saturday, October 4, 2014


Is it dangerous native vegetation, adapted for life in this hostile climate? Or the first signs of a Tyranid infestation? The Space Marines and Orks are too focused on fighting each other to pay much consideration to the flora of Xhorik Prime. All they know is that their thorns are deadly sharp. Only time will tell...

I have to decide whether to paint them or leave them their natural brown. They look good as-is, but maybe a little too much like earth plants. A nice yellow or reddish purple will really bring out that alien environment look I am going for. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. They do look great as-is but might be improved w some color. You'd have to spray paint them since a brush job would doubtlessly look like crap and break them. I'm pleased they are taller than a man-sized model too. Make those marines move around a little instead of having free range of the battlefield.
