Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Death Guard Cataphractii Terminators


Death Guard Cataphractii

I've been modeling, painting and playing Horus Heresy Death Guard for about 8 years now and I finally got around to making a cataphractii terminator squad for my legion. I always knew the DG paint scheme would suit these models well, and it doesn't disappoint. 

There isn't a pressing tactical need for this unit in a DG army, as their special rules benefit troops choices moving and firing extra bolter shots and heavy weapons without penalty, with no regard for difficult terrain. And they have great elite terminators already in their Death Shroud with 3 wounds each and extra survivability vs. strength 8 weapons. But these cataphractii models are too cool not to paint up for the DG, and they'll do well against any non-elite units they come up against. 

The squad size is 7 to honor Mortarion's number preference. Just as my DG missile launcher squad and volkite squad are both 7. I enjoy mostly sticking to the flavor of a Legion to give them more character when playing. Otherwise marine v. marine battles can get a little flat and monotonous. And I threw in a very uncommon weapon among our armies - 3 power mauls! They just seem brutal and fitting in a DG army - crushing and smashing in power armour heads left and right. Again, not super helpful v. elites like other terminators, praetors or dreadnoughts, but who cares? They look different, and different is fun!