Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Veteran Sergeant

Next up is the sergeant with artificer armor and a power fist. I had to paint him next so I could field him in the upcoming game Pete and I plan to play. He has a bionic leg to reiterate his veteran status, much like my White Scars veteran sergeant. Unfortunately, I realized when building the squad that I was short one MKIII power pack due to using one on the sergeant for my tactical squad, so I had to improvise with something from the bits box. It is a bit primitive and clunky looking so I have to assume it was either leftover from some primitive early suit of power armor or it is a custom repair job from a distant forge world supporting Horus. Either way, it adds to his unique look within the squad. He also has a taller head crest from the command squad sprue instead of the added crests that I stuck on the regular MKIII heads for the rest of the squad. I went for a pose of a charging punch. I wanted something dynamic, which can be difficult with the Heresy models. It is not perfect, but he certainly looks like he is about to knock your block off, which is what I was going for.

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