Tuesday, July 13, 2021

3 way battle in 10 minutes



  1. Music turned out a little loud. It's louder and bassier on the blog

  2. Great video. The text comments throughout are hilarious. I agree the music is too loud, especially at the beginning. But still a good job overall for just some ad-hoc filming and commentary throughout. Our blog's first video.

  3. LoL, it is. Yeah, I did it last night in about 3 hours. I couldn't post it to the blog from my phone since it only uploads/plays videos in web version so I had to use YouTube as a middle point. I know I record the battle from my perspective and ignore your armies' accomplishments. You'll need to post the full batrep to tell the whole story!

  4. Hm. Now when I play it, the music is the appropriate volume. Weird. Inshot is a little glitchy
