Sunday, November 15, 2015

Drop Troop Scale Pictures

Pete made the wise suggestion to see how the Drop Troop model looks on the gaming table in order to better evaluate the color scheme. I also wanted to show the scale him next to our other armies. 

He is slightly taller than the ork and tyranid and about the same height as the space marine. But his height is a bit deceiving as his base gives him an extra 2mm or so because I squished down a piece of clay on it to stick rocks into. Also, this is the drop troop model with the straightest legs and most upright posture. 

What stands out is just how skinny he is compared to the other models. The ape-like ork and massive genestealer look like fearsome foes indeed for this brave human. 

I think he looks good on the table. I plan to lighten his base a bit but I don't want to go with straight white like the ork base because the white washes out under bright lights. 

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