After a long hiatus, I finally painted a few models: a Xhorik 87th commander with power fist, another grenadier, and another recon marine with shotgun (I figure he can be a cheap body to add to the sniper squad and be the first one to bite the bullet). Again, painted 90% with Contrast.
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Xhorik Commander
Friday, September 15, 2023
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Blood Angels Tactical Squad: The Triarii Guard
The venerable Triarii Guard are a highly experienced and decorated Blood Angel's Tactical Squad with an illustrious history of securing vital objectives during numerous campaigns. Known for never breaking in the face of overwhelming alien, cultist or demonic hoards, the Triarii Guard are the pride of the 2nd company of the 9th Legion. The Triarii Guard are now for the first time meeting their brother marines in battle, but are more than eager to defend the honor of their great god-emperor.
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Operation Downfall Battle Report 4: The Last Bastion
"Today, we don't fight for an objective, or for a general, or for some distant Emperor. Today, we fight for our home planet and everyone we ever knew, plain and simple."
-Captain Skander Xhaer. 3rd Company, Xhorik 87th
On Xhorik Prime, the key trading and transport hub of the system, Traitor forces are newly victorious over those loyal to the Emperor in a massive planetary civil war that erupted along old, pre-Imperial factional rivalries. A combined force of Death Guard and World Eaters has crushed the stratocracy of Kozar and their small garrison of the White Scars Legion. The major space ports are now securely in the hands of the Traitors, although small bands of Loyalist survivors continue to wage a shadow war along the fringes of the high desert wilderness.
On Xhorik Secundus, the planetary governor has remained loyal to the Emperor and maintained control of most of the planet. As war raged on Xhorik Prime, armies began mobilizing for an invasion of the heart of Traitor territory, in the Federation of Unimund. The first phase of the invasion was codenamed Operation Downfall and called for a massive nighttime drop assault on key enemy installations in order to clear the way for the massive, lumbering landing craft that would be bringing the bulk of the invasion the next day.
Scenario: The Last Bastion
Traitor Militia: Pete
- Force Commander General Titus Gholv: Robber Baron, power armor, power fist, iron halo, bolt pistol, frag and krak grenades
- Discipline Master: carapace armor, refractor field, laspistol, ccw
- Discipline Master: carapace armor, refractor field, plasma pistol, power sword
- [Line] Grenadier Squad A (15)- The Tongue Collectors: bayonets, plasma gun, flamer
- [Line] Grenadier Squad B (15) - The Psycho Slaves: bayonets, melta gun, flamer
- [Line] Grenadier Squad C - Harkhathe Hammers: bayonets, 2 x plasma guns
- Fire Support A (5 teams): 3 x lascannons, 2 x missile launchers
- Fire Support B (5 teams) - Black Bombardiers: 2 x lascannons, 3 x missile launchers
- Auxilia Medicae (3): Dr. Cut and Dr. Cauterize and Nurse Hatchet
- Ogryn Brutes (5) - Dregg Nukem’s Shrapnel Eaters: boss w/ power axe, carapace armor, 2 x ccw
- Leman Russ Battle Tank
- Leman Russ Demolisher
- Leman Russ Vanquisher
- Malcador Battle Tank Chimaera
![]() |
General Titus Ghoulv leads his Marauders, in service to his Death Guard masters. |
- Force Commander Captain Skander Xhaer: Marcher Lord, power sword, cyber familiar, iron halo, blast pistol
- Discipline Master: Refractor field, power sword, bolt pistol
- Command Cadre (8) - The Sokhët: Lieutenant with refractor field and power fist; carapace armor, melta gun, militia standard, laspistols, lasguns, frag and krak
- [Line] Infantry Squad (20) - First Platoon: sergeant with laspistol and ccw; lasguns, frag grendades, flak armor, melta gun
- [Line] Grenadier Squad A (10) - The Survivors: sergeant with melta bombs; lascarbines, carapace, plasma gun
- [Line] Grenadier Squad B (10) - Stormtroopers of the 501st Company: sergeant with power sword and plasma pistol; lascarbines, carapace, frag and krak, plasma gun, melta gun
- [Line] Grenadier Squad C (10) - Stormtroopers of the 501st Company: sergeant with power sword; lascarbines, carapace, frag and krak, 2 x flamers
- Fire Support Squad (6 teams) - Stone Rain: 6 x missile launchers
- Recon Squad (5) - The Sand Snakes: 5 x sniper rifles
- Sentinel Squadron (3) - Rojets: 2 x lascannon, missile launcher
- Militia Cavalry (10) - The Hunters: laspistols, ccw, lascarbines, carpace armor
- Militia Thunderbolt Fighter - The Avenger: 4 x krak rockets, 4 x autocannon, 2 x lascannon
- Rapier Battery A: 3 x gravis heavy bolters
- Rapier Battery B: 3 x laser destroyers
- Ordnance Battery - The Spear of Heaven: Earthshaker, 4 additional gunners
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Speed Painting Challenge: 36 models in 36 days - COMPLETE
In an effort to work through some of the "pile of shame" and have more fun painting by getting results quicker, I have been experimenting again with Contrast and finally getting better results (see the recent White Scars Scouts, for example).
So, I have set myself the goal of painting this entire 36-man platoon of grenadiers at an average pace of one model per day, an ambitious target for me since it can usually take me at least two or three weeks to finish a ten-man squad.
Here is the test speed-painted model on the left compared to some of the models I painted in my classic-style recipe of base-shade-highlight-highlight for each color.
Sunday, August 6, 2023
Xhorik 87th Drop Troops - Reinforced 3rd Company Strike Force
After making orbital drops to secure key objectives, the Xhorik 87th Drop Troops move to quickly deploy artillery to support their light infantry against the enemy's counterstrike. In the fierce fighting for the planetary shield generators, the 3rd Company was bolstered with significant artillery elements and multiple units of the elite 501st Company of Storm Troopers fighting in the role of heavily armed grenadiers. It was also common to have air support from naval fighters and ground attack craft such as this Thunderbolt. Recon squads, sentinels and mechanized cavalry provided mobility and adaptability. This force configuration trades their usual high mobility for heavy firepower needed to destroy heavily armored foes and additional tactical flexibility.
Thursday, August 3, 2023
White Scars Sniper Scouts
In an effort to try to speed up my glacial pace of painting, I decided to try painting a unit almost entirely with Contrast and washes/shades. The cloaks and fatigues of the old space marine scouts seemed to make them a good set of models to try this approach. Of course they needed a head swap from their giant heads with buzz cuts and square jaws. I spent some time searching around for heads with the right look and size, and that came in a combination of hooded and bare options to match the mix of models with cloaks being worn or folded up. I think these heads give a great ninja-like stealth feel to the unit, perfect for snipers.
The Contrast painting is still not perfect and there are some areas that still came out a bit blotchy but it is a huge improvement over where I was previously with these paints. I found you need to thin the paints with wash medium and then possibly apply multiple coats, depending on how dark you want the color. And the new Soulblight Grey shade does a really impressive job on white.
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Building a Better Bridge Table Part 1
After Pete raised the bar with all of his new terrain (you can see it in the latest battle report Might Makes Right), I decided I needed to invest some time to improve the game experience at my place.
For years, we have played games on flat rectangles with a few hills or buildings to break it up, although we have also played a few battles on a circular battlefield for variety. For a long time, I have been wanting to make a table that utilizes the vertical element to a greater degree with more depth. Also, two years ago I built a huge bridge terrain piece and we even played a visually awesome battle with it, but I feel the current table setup to use the bridge is too limiting.
So I have decided to try to build a table with the following charactersics:
- Non-rectangular shape
- Significant elevation changes (not flat)
- Accommodates the bridge terrain piece
I have some ideas for how to add elevation and to make sure there are still options for setting up additional terrain on the board. For the "river" the bridge is crossing, I am thinking to make it more of a ravine. A few reasons: I do not know how to get water effects with resin, this table will represent the eastern desert wastes of Xhorik Prime so it does not make sense to have a wide river, I want to ensure infantry can cross the gap in multiple places and not just at the bridge, and I can still come up with some ideas for the bottom that may be easier to model, such as nearly-dried up puddles of water or waste, etc.
Plenty more planning and building to do! Updates to come.
Sunday, June 4, 2023
The Grey Ghosts: White Scars Recon Squad
The White Scars were the original recon force for the Great Crusade, ranging far ahead of the main forces, so it is only fitting that my army incudes a recon squad.
Of course, both of the antennae on the vox guy broke. I replaced the skinny one with a wire and replaced the segment that joins the fat one to the pack with a piece of brass rod. The only other change I made was to use White Scars MKIV shoulder pads from Forge World. This was a bit tricky because the vox guy already has a left shoulder pad built into the model, with the cloak covering half of it, so I could not replace that one. Instead I cut a decal in half and tried to line it up with the edge of the cloak. It is the same icon as the rest of the squad, but not 3D, of course. Other than that, I built them straight out of the box with no other modificaitons.
I tried some new painting techniques on this squad to speed things up, including using mostly Contrast paints and washes other than the grey armor and the metal. On the grey armor, I used a shade but no highlights, figuring the battle damage would act as a bit of a natural delineation of edges. Some aspects turned out better than others and some of the battle damage is not my best work, but overall I am happy with them for the amount of effort I put into them. Despite their armor being mostly light grey, they are immediately recognizable as White Scars with the white heads and shoulder icons. I like the way the blue/grey cloaks turned out with dusty fringes. I also like the simple technique of Contrast over metallic for the lenses.
They came out well enough that I am inspired to try more units with Contrast to try to speed along the painting. I definitely learned a few things about how to make Contrast look better (I have struggled with the splotchy surface finish on most models in the past.) If nothing else, trying different techniques keeps the painting interesting and breaks up the monotony of painting a whole army with the same slow method. Units like this recon squad are the perfect opportunity to try new things since they do not need to look exactly like the other marines, as long as they tie in to the overall army.
Saturday, June 3, 2023
Might Makes Right: 3-Way Istvaan Battle Report
"The strong get what they deserve. So do the weak."
This battle takes place during the Istvaan III atrocity when the traitors purged their legions of any who would potentially remain loyal to the Emperor, long before the Xhorik Campaign. This battle provides some back story to three of the Traitor leaders before they crossed paths again in the Xhorik System in the middle of the Heresy.
Scenario: Might Makes Right
World Eaters: Pete
- Praetor Ghrodd
the Slaughter Lord: artificer armor, iron halo, master crafted
thunder hammer, jump pack
- [Line]
Tactical Squad The Skull Collectors: 17 marines with chain
axes, sergeant with power fist, artificer armor and plasma pistol
- [Line]
Recon Squad Butcher's Eyes: 5 marines, Nemesis bolters, bolt
- [Line]
Rampager Squad The Pit Gladiators: 10 Rampagers with jump packs, 3
with falax blades, 4 with excoriator chain axes, 3 with meteor hammers, sergeant
with artificer armor
- Predator Severing
Cut: Predator autocannon, lascannon sponsons
- Predator
Fires of Hell: Magna-melta cannon, heavy bolter sponsons
- Tartaros
Terminator Squad The Red Mist: 5 marines, 4 x dual lightning claws,
1 with heavy flamer and chainfist
- The
Red Butchers: 4 x dual power axes, sergeant with dual chain fists
- Transport: Land Raider Organ Grinder: quad lascannon sponsons, twin-linked heavy bolter
- Apothecary
Bazrak: jump pack, frag and krak grenades, bolt pistol, chain axe
Death Guard: Bill
Primary Detachment: Death Guard (No Rite of War)
- Praetor Wolfgang: Catphractii terminator armor, volike charger, paragon blade, rad grenades
- Deathshroud retinue: 5 terminators with hand alchem-flamers, power scythes and rad grenades
- Tactical Support Squad Folterer: 8 marines with flamers and melta bombs, sergeant with artificer armor.
- [Line] Tactical Squad A: 14 marines with chainswords, sergeant with power fist and artificer armor and Apothecary Gerhard
- [Line] Tactical Squad B Toddestraffe: 10 marines with chainswords, sergeant with power fist and artificer armor.
- Transport: Rhino with pintle-mounted heavy alchem-flamer.
- Tactical Support Squad Blitz Schock: 7 marines with volkite calivers and apothecary
- Heavy Support Squad Feuer Sturm: 7 marines with missile launchers
- Predator Mittel Panzer 021 with Predator Autocannon and lascannon sponsons
- Contemptor Dreadnought Jürgen: Gravis melta cannon, melta gun, Gravis power fist
- Deredeo pattern dreadnought with Arachnus heavy lascannon battery, twin-linked heavy bolter, Aiolos missile launcher, and helical targeting array
Primary Detachment: Sons of Horus Pride of the Legion
- Praetor Ezman Vyke with Cataphractii terminator armor, chain fist, combi-melta, digilasers, Armor of Pride
- [Line] Tactical Squad (6th Squad, 12th Company): 20 marines with bayonets, vexilla, artificer armor, power fist
- [Line] Cataphractii Terminator Squad Tempest: 10 marines with Cataphractii armor, combi-bolters, 3 power fists, 1 chain fist, 1 thunder hammer, 5 power axes
- [Line] Cataphractii Terminator Squad Hammerfall: 5 marines with Cataphractii armor, 3 power fists, 2 chain fists, 5 combi-meltas
- Transport: Land Raider Proteus The Bladed Hand
- [Line] Veteran Tactical Squad Exomis ("The Remnants"): 10 marines with 2 power swords, 1 power axe, 1 power fist, vox, 2 meltaguns, 1 combi-melta, and artificer armor
- Transport: Rhino
- Contemptor Dreadnought Konax Silat with Gravis-melta and chainfist with inbuilt grav gun
- Heavy Support Squad: 5 marines with lascannons
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Cataphractii Terminator Squad Tempest
As I slowly work through my Age of Darkness box set, I have to determine what to paint for my White Scars and what to paint for my Sons of Hours. So far, I have done the Contemptor and a Tactical Squad for my White Scars as they needed some basic troops and did not yet have any dreadnoughts. For the Cataphractii, being heavy and slow, I decided they fit better with my Sons of Horus. I decided to paint up all ten in one batch as a big foot slogging squad for our Traitor Bash game. I thought it would give me a very tough and formidable core to my army that could take and hold ground and go toe to toe with almost any unit in melee. (It turns out it did not quite work out that way...)
I gave them the old Forge World resin shoulder pads, and I used one set of Forge World power axes for five of them. The other five got a a thunder hammer, a chain fist and a few power fists. I equipped them with just combi-bolters for guns since I was trying to keep the squad cost from ballooning too much and I was assuming they would do most of their damage in melee. I also added a vexilla from the tactical squad sprue. The sergeant got a bare head and a mounted skull trophy to mark him out and help intimidate his foes. I also gave him the pointing hand to indicate that he is directing the unit. He also got golden trim on his thighs where the rest of the unit had green. I painted them pretty much the same as my first Cataphractii squad, except these have black outer shoulder pads to accentuate the brass iconography.
I really like this paint scheme with the super bright edge highlighting but after doing ten Cataphractii terminators. I will need to take a break from it. I think that is why I like having a few armies in the works at a given time. By the time I spend weeks painting the same thing, the thought of another squad of the same scheme is daunting and I am ready for a change.
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Might Makes Right: 3-Way Scenario for Traitor Bash in April
What do you guys think of these?
Whoever deploys second, selects one of the remaining two deployment zones and deploys his army.
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Sons of Horus Bases
Quick update: I built some bases for my next unit of the Sons of Horus. These are built from a mesh with a grating texture, plasticard strings, textured plasticard, plasticard tubes, a Lego corrugated tub, and a random fan bit. I am going for the look of the interior of a ship or base of some type.
Thursday, March 2, 2023
White Scars Rhinos
I added two new Rhinos to the one I already had painted. I figure every unit of the V Legion would want some form of extra mobility, other than maybe Recon marines.
One of these was the Forge World resin conversion kit for the old Rhino and one is the new plastic Deimos kit. I hate to say it, but I actually liked putting together the Forge World resin kit better than the new plastic kit. Although I do like the new plastic kit design of the treads and hunter-killer missile better.
I added the Forge World V Legion doors to both.
I gave each one an optional hunter-killer missle. The Rhino with the heavy bolter has one that is magnetized and can be swapped for smoke launchers. The Rhino with the twin-linked bolters has its missile on a pin, stuck in a mounting hole, and it can be swapped for a generic radar. This will let me remove the missile when it is fired to help remember if it has been spent, or allow me to leave it off if I need to save the points.
For the painting, I went with pure white with no highlights or shading. Instead, I black lined all recesses to create the contrast to make the details stand out on the white. I tried a new technique with a paint brush pen and the lines were quite thick, but it was faster than a conventional brush and the line width was more uniform. It looks a bit wonky when you are very close up, but looks great from a distance. The final picture with all three tanks that is just a little more zoomed out looks much better than all of these zoomed in photos. I am not sure yet if I will replicate this on future tanks or try to use a brush for thinner lines.
After painting, I added the decals and then I sponged on dark grey battle damage/paint chipping. I then added dust, dirt, soot and rust to give the look of equipment that has been in years of active service in battle.
This one has obviously had some field modifications for extra protection. |
Rhino number X |
This one does not have the dozer blade, so I decorated the front a bit. |
With smoke launchers instead of hunter-killer missile. |
Rhino number I |
Dozer blade |
With optional hunter-killer missile from original kit |
I left this one with the option to drop the rear ramp |
All three side by side! |
Rhinos are not too tough and they can provide easy kill points to your opponent, but they are just fun to play with and against. And they are such a part of the look and feel of space marines and Heresy that I want to make sure they are well represented in our campaign.
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Battle for Provisa 3: Blood Angels vs Sons of Horus - Dominion
We played this battle probably five or six months ago but I never got a chance to post the photos. Since the weather has been cold and wet all week and I cannot prime any modes, I figure I will work on battle report. Due to the long time since the battle, I won't try to rehash the blow by blow, but looking at the pictures and the score each turn should tell the tale.
Campaign background provided in:
Battle for Provisa 1: Take and Hold
Battle for Provisa 2: Blood Feud
With the results now even, the stage was set for escalation as both sides brought bigger war machines and more units into the fray. The next battle would see both commanders attempting to assert their will on the enemy and claim control over the field.
Scenario: Dominion
Primary Objective
Dominion: Each objective controlled at the start of your turn is worth 1 VP.
The objectives were:
#1 The cathedral ruin (designated by the comms relay model in front)
#2 The central ruin (designated by the red barrel in the center)
#3 The red ruin (designated by the green barrels in the center)
Attrition: The side that destroyed the most enemy units earns d3 VP
Game length: Five turns with a 4+ chance for a sixth turn
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Following their encirclement and defeat by the Traitors, the remnants of Khan Jorma’s detachment found themselves hunkered down in hiding in the ruins of a blasted city in the heart of enemy territory. The Khan had fallen in battle and had been dragged to safety by his men. Now his bloodied form lay on the floor of the ruined temple. It was clear his battered body would never rise to fight again.
Turan Jorma knew he had failed the Great Khagan. His Brotherhood had lost the planet to the traitors and now the heart of his remaining strength had been encircled and defeated, an unforgivable offense for the White Scars, who prided themselves on maneuver and speed above all else. He knew the consequences; they were dictated by his honor and the code of the V Legion.
The survivors of his Brotherhood felt it as well. Their collective psyche had been sundered. Never before had they felt the dishonor of such a string of defeats as they now suffered. Never before had they been unable to visit retribution on those who had defied the Khan. The psycho-indoctrination of their transition to Astartes, combined with decades or even centuries of rigid mental conditioning,had made such defeat all but incomprehensible. The White Scars knew when to fall back, when to disperse, when to give ground, but always with a plan to circle back to destroy an overstretched enemy or to strike at a newly-opened opportunity. Their minds were unable to cope with the current reality: brother had turned against brother, Legion against Legion, and their Brotherhood had been crushed.
They understood on a primal level that the dishonor could never be wiped away, except by their own deaths. It was never a conscious choice, and there was no debate. They all felt it and understood it to be true, as surely as they had felt the pride and honor of their Legion and their loyalty to the Great Khagan every day up to this point.
Turan Jorma set aside his Paragon blade along with his title of Khan. He had fought bravely and slain a Death Guard Champion by his own hand, but his leadership had lost the war and thus shamed the Legion. He did not feel his physical wounds, only the mental anguish of failure. He drew his dagger, uttered the sacred words, and performed the ritual act of redemption silently and alone.
Those whose injuries were too severe to be able to redeem themselves by dying in combat followed the example of their former leader. The rest dedicated themselves utterly to the only thought that now burned relentlessly in their minds: to fight their enemy with every bit of strength that remained and to die doing so. There could be no victory now, no end but death. Death for themselves as surely as for their enemies. No honor or hope. Only the promise of dying, gun in hand, covered in the blood of their enemies, remained to sustain them.
They would become Sagyar Mazan.