Thursday, May 17, 2018

Horus Heresy Battle Report 5: The Onslaught Continues


We used our custom mission cards and each drew a random, secret mission. For a list of the missions, see the previous battle report.

Pete drew Take and Hold. After putting back his first choice, Phil drew Assassinate and had to play it face up.

Rolling for the shape of the deployment zones yielded opposing corners. Phil won the roll to choose his deployment zone and chose the southwestern corner. Pete won the roll to go first and chose to deploy and go second.

View of the battlefield from the south. 

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Drop Sentinels

The Xhorik 87th Drop Troops Regiment is finally getting some heavy support - relatively speaking, of course...

Drop sentinels of the Xhorik 87th. They have been in a field for a good while, picking up some dust and grime.

Drop Troops Provenance of War - Draft Rules

I'd like to be able to use my drop troops in our games of Horus Heresy. It seems the closest army list is the Imperialis Militia and Cults, as the Solar Auxilia is a bit too elite and has a very distinct fighting style built in to their rules. The Militia list allows for quite a bit of customization through the Provenances of War, but none of them really fit a drop troop army so I thought I would take a stab at making my own.

Drop Troopers................................+50 points

Unlike most Imperialis Militias and Cults, a drop troopers army is made up of highly-trained professional soldiers in a permanent state of combat readiness. They are an airborne force that trades heavy armor for mobility. They have no use for any equipment that cannot be transported by a Valkyire.

All units consisting entirely of Infantry gain Deep Strike.
Option - Sentinel units can gain Deep Strike for +50 points per unit.
Option - Grenadiers and Platoon Command Cadres can take a Valkyrie as a dedicated transport as long as they number 12 or less.

Cannot be combined with Cult Horde, Tainted Flesh, or Abhuman Helots.