Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Point of Desperation: 3-Way Scenario Setup

Since I am away from home this week and cannot work on the Armorium, I thought we could line out the details of the scenario. 

Game Setup:
Make a Shadow War roll, as described in the same book as the scenario. Winner can choose one of the following game setup parameters. The second highest roller can then choose one, followed by the third player selecting from the remaining parameters. Then all players roll a d6 and the winner can choose the final parameter.

  1. Select his deployment zone first. The other two players roll off to choose second.
  2. Choose to deploy first, second or third. The other players roll off to choose next. Turn order will be the same as deployment order.
  3. Choose whether to place infiltrators first, second, or third. The other players roll off to choose next.
  4. Select whether there is Night Fighting for 1 turn, or d3 turns, or not at all. And choose whether to use the old rules (roll for spotting distance) or the new rules (units get improved cover save). 
I thought this approach would be more interesting than just rolling for each of these things separately because it ensures more balance (eliminating the possibility that one player wins most or all of these rolls) and it forces some interesting choices as each army/player may prioritize different elements of the battle setup. 

Scenario Map:

As described in the rulebook, a player's table edge will be considered any table edge that makes up part of his deployment zone, so the corner deployment zones will have two table edges each. This is a slight advantage to these deployment zones to makeup for being slightly farther from the objective than the deployment zone on the top table edge. (It provides more flexibility on where reserves enter and where troops fall back to.)

This looks pretty balanced and means it will take even a unit in a transport two turns to reach the objective, giving some time to maneuver before the melee starts. It also means even the slowest units will get there with enough time to fight for it. Each deployment zone is the same size in total area, at roughly 3 square feet. And there is roughly 3 feet between each deployment zone, so that aspect is evenly balanced as well. 

Deployment will use the rules for alternating staged deployment as described in the Decisive Moment scenario. The players will deploy one unit at a time, in the order determined in the Game Setup section above. The player who deploys first will be deploying the first unit of each type: Heavy Support, Troops, etc. I like this method better because it feels more realistic (Fast Attack units would be unlikely to be caught off guard by heavy tanks) and it feels more balanced due to the paper-rock-scissors natures of the unit matchups in this game. 

Other items confirmed:
Only scoring units count for control of the objective (Troops or anything with a rule that counts it as scoring).
Scoring for the objective will be as per the scenario rules (3 points for sole control and 1 point for shared control).

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