Friday, February 26, 2021

Storm Trooper Test Model

I am working up some of the classic metal third-generation storm trooper models from 2003, when they were known as Cadian Kasrkin, and before the current iteration now known as Tempestus Scions. (This must have been when GW started to phase out generic sci-fi names and concepts and make all things specific to their universe.)  I would love to get some of the older metal Storm Troopers models from around the time of early 3rd edition as well, but they are harder to find. While looking for the older models I remembered, I came across these even older Storm Troopers from the Rouge Trader days that I do not remember. Check these out:

Original Rouge Trader Storm Troopers

There are actually quite a few similarities in these old models and the ones I am painting.

Second generation Storm Troopers from our youth.

Third generation storm troopers, known as Cadian Kasrkin. 

Fourth generation storm troopers, now known as Tempestus Scions.

I think these second-generation models fit the aesthetic of my Drop Troopers pretty well so I wanted to include a few squads. In the lore, Storm Troopers are separate elite regiments from which units are pulled to support the regular regiments in critical missions. Sometimes they are deployed together in standalone forces, which is what the new(ish) Tempestus Scion army list represents. So I wanted the Storm Troopers to stand out from my regular rank and file, while also visually being tied-in to the rest of the army. I replicated as much of the color scheme as possible (base, fatigues, blue lenses, boots/belts) from the standard troops, while incorporating a strong dose of black and dark grey. This comes from a passage I remember reading in book about World War I that described the original German Sturmtruppen or Stoßtruppen (stormtroopers or shocktroopers) as wearing black. 

Depiction of German Stormtroopers.

German Stormtroopers advancing from No Man's Land, 1918. 

German Stormtroopers take an Allied trench.

“The attackers weren’t ordinary German infantrymen, they were the Kaiser’s elite sturmtruppen or ‘stormtroopers’ — handpicked men, specially trained and armed to the teeth.”

Test model for a Storm Trooper unit attached to the Xhorik 87th Drop Troops.

They have the desert camouflage fatigues and boots/belts, but the armor is black instead of bone-color.

Ideally, they should still look like they belong in the same theater of war (the rocky desert) while also standing out and having a more severe and intimidating look. The model ended up with a bit more black and dark grey than I was thinking, but I did not want to introduce any new colors that would clash with the rest of the army. I believe I will add the regimental color of orange to the shoulder pad to tie them in even more. They are a separate regiment, but I figure they have been at least temporarily attached to the Xhorik 87th for the duration of a particular campaign and are operating as an elite unit within the regiment rather than a standalone force so they have adopted the colors as well. 

Let me know what you think before I start painting a whole batch of them. 


  1. Great job researching photos of actual stormtroopers. They certainly do appear to wear black in those B&W photos. Lol, but way to go the extra mile. This stuff is why I say you love warhammer more than anyone else

    1. Obviously the GW models are much more sleek sci-fi and not really based on WWI aesthetic nearly as much as Pete's Death Guard and House Harkhathe Grenadiers, but I still felt I needed to pay homage to the original "storm trooper" since the term has lost most of its meaning over the years with Star Wars using it to represent some pretty non-intimidating goons that seem to mostly perform sentry duty and have terrible accuracy.

  2. The Germans are apparently emerging from a huge cheech and chong concert. Far out, man!!

  3. Those wartime photographers had some brass balls, that's for sure. To photograph charging German elite! You're just another notch on their gun! Run, you idiot! But here we are a hundred years later, still reposting them

  4. That one guy in the lower photo is all funned out from rough housing. He's taking a rest

    1. Yeah, if this was a staged photo, I would be laughing at how stupid that actor looks lying dead in such a "fake" pose. But I guess that is how you really look when you die?

  5. That artist rendition of stormtroopers is great. The grenadier totally looks like Hitler.

  6. The gas mask guy clearly has a paintball gun. It's got the little canister of extra balls on the side.
