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These are generic enough to be scanners, force field generators, teleportation devices (or jammers), security controls, you name it. |
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Objective Markers
In the last battle, we had to use some tokens to represent the objectives because we did not have many suitable models or terrain pieces, so I decided to make up a few quick objective markers.
Campaign Terrain Rules
All cover saves are for infantry. Vehicles use the Hull Down rules and must be at least 25% covered from the view of the firer.
Moving up and down counts as inches of movement. Moving up and down ladders, steps or open slopes counts as normal movement. Climbing up or down without a ladder counts as difficult terrain.
Visibility into/out of/through the ruins is limited to 6".
Entire base provides 4+ cover save.
Entire base is difficult terrain for infantry, dangerous for vehicles.
Moving up and down counts as inches of movement. Moving up and down ladders, steps or open slopes counts as normal movement. Climbing up or down without a ladder counts as difficult terrain.
Visibility into/out of/through the ruins is limited to 6".
Entire base provides 4+ cover save.
Entire base is difficult terrain for infantry, dangerous for vehicles.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Horus Heresy Battle Report 8: Clash of the Lines
"The object of war is not to die a glorious and heroic death, but to give one to your enemy."
- Sergeant Albrecht,
Death Guard Legion
Death Guard Legion
Campaign To Date:
It is the middle of the Age of Darkness, as the Warmaster Horus makes his long march toward Terra, leaving shattered star systems in his wake. Lying in the path of the traitors' advance, the planet of Xhorik Prime is torn apart in civil war after only recently being united in the Great Crusade. The largest nation, The Federation of Unimund declare for the Warmaster and Mortarian as their living gods and liberators, while their ancient rivals to the north, the stratocracy of Kozar and her allies, side with their kindred spirits and sworn blood brothers, the White Scars. An advance force of Death Guard has been tasked with bringing the Xhorik System into compliance so that the main war host can safely resupply and move on quickly.
The early stages of the conflict centered around the Battle for Bielyr, a major city on the border between the two sides. After a long, hard-fought struggle through the ruined streets, the Death Guard were able to drive the loyalists north out of the now-destroyed city. Once they had lost the city, the White Scars fell back before the Death Guard advance and lured their forward forces into a trap. Thanks to some unexpected assistance from a small band of Imperial Fists, the loyalists cut off the traitor vanguard and captured their commander, Praetor Wolfgang. But a daring rescue mission performed by a small band of Death Guard freed Wolfgang and returned him to his army in time to lead his men against the imminent attack by the White Scars.
"Sir, you have returned! By Mortarion himself, it is damn good to see you." Consul Heynrich saluted.
"The enemy are already upon us. What is the status of our positions?" barked Praetor Wolfgang, stomping into the command tent, clad once again in massive tactical dreadnought armor.
"Sir, the enemy is engaged all along our lines. We are spread thin trying to protect our flanks on this open plateau against their Outriders. But we are well positioned, my lord. Our reports tell us their main attack is coming against our left flank, led by Praetor Zherdan himself. I have already sent all reserves to strengthen our positions there. We will have the numbers to throw them back and we will emerge victorious."
"Fool," spat Wolfgang. "That is a feint. Those riders will disappear into the dust as soon as you engage them in force. The key to the battle hinges on the abandoned outpost here." Wolfgang's armored finger stabbed the holomap. "It is the only tenable position on this plateau we can hold for long against their mobility without our lines being spread apart and our units picked off. Zherdan knows it, so he makes a show of force to the west to draw away our reserves."
Wolfgang glanced around. "Give me every man you have left in camp. Albrecht, bring Squad Ritter and move out on my command. They shall feel the wrath and vengeance of the Death Guard, and see it is like nothing they have ever known."
We played the Onslaught mission from both Horus Heresy Book One and Book Six using the Clash of the Line deployment (opposing triangles on the short edges) to really represent the spear tips of two armies crashing together and trying to break through this key location. Onslaught is an aggressive mission that awards VPs for enemy units killed in the first turn and controlling your tactical objective in the enemy's deployment zone at the end of the game. Secondary objectives are Slay the Warlord and Attrition, which awards an extra VP to the army that destroyed the most enemy units. We also added a scenario rule of having a random level of dust storm each turn, with a range of effects such as limiting visibility, causing pinning, impacting reserves and deep striking, and more. With only Troops able to capture the objectives, neither side could afford to sit still and not advance aggressively.
Pete won the roll to select his deployment zone. Phil won the roll to go first and elected to do so.
Death Guard - Pete
- Praetor Wolfgang: Terminator armor, Paragon Blade, volkite charger, digilasers
- Apothecary Wilhelm
- Tactical Squad Stärke: 14 marines with close combat weapons, sergeant with power fist and artificer armor
- Tactical Squad Ritter: 10 marines with close combat weapons, sergeant with power fist and artificer armor, rhino with heavy flamer
- Tactical Support Squad März: 7 marines with volkite calivers
- Heavy Support Squad Tragen: 3 marines with missile launchers
- Contemptor Dreadnought Friedrich: multi-melta, meltagun, dreadnought close combat weapon
White Scars - Phil
White Scars, Brotherhood of the Wind
- Centurion Kuyuk: Power glaive, bolter, refractor field
- Tactical Squad Kheeg: 10 marines with close combat weapons, sergeant with power glaive and artificer armor
- Tactical Support Squad Khoer: 5 marines with plasma guns
- Legion Outrider Squad Anchin: 3 bikes with twin-linked plasma guns, sergeant
- Sicaran Omega Tank Destroyer: Omega Plasma Array, heavy bolter and lascannon sponsons
- Terminator Squad: Plasma blaster, volkite charger, two power fists, chainfist, lighting claws
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The front lines of the two forces engage each other in the badlands of the Vaalbara Plateau near a deserted outpost that forms the only defensible position in the area. |
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