Sunday, January 5, 2025

First Model of 2025 - Evil Sunz Nob with Power Klaw

 This model has been sitting half-painted since I lived in Pittsburgh, so at least 2016. I have not been playing or painting orks much so I never had much incentive to finish him. After some really fun games with the orks last weekend, I decided it was time to give him life. He will give some needed muscle to my shoota boyz, who currently lack any power weapons or power klaws and struggle to kill tougher foes in melee. 

With this guy, I am committing my boyz to be Evil Sunz. Up to this point, they were just sort of generic orks with red and black, but no real Evil Sunz iconography. I always wanted to do every kind of ork army and did not want to commit. I decided I am going to use my red "Blitzdreg Boyz" as Evil Sunz and then create other warbands of other klans that can combine together to form bigger and more diverse armies. 

I am also testing a new basing method for my orks: a brown base with white crushed rock, as opposed to a white base with white crushed rock. (Of course this one is dominated by the large piece of slate painted to match the original Xhorik terrain.) The orks' current bases are ok, although I do not love them. This one is also ok, but I am still not sure if this is what I should use going forward. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Fuel Tanks

On a whim, we decided to play a flavorful mission from the Raid on Kastorel-Novem (Imperial Armor 8). It called for six fuel tanks "at least the size of a drinks can." So, I whipped a few up. Not half bad for only a few hours of work to build and paint.