Saturday, December 14, 2024

Fourth Edition Rules Refresh

 Just to remind you guys how Fourth Edition works, here are a summary of key rules and differences:


  • Everyone moves 6".
  • Difficult terrain: roll 2d6 and pick the highest.
  • You can only run if you have Fleet.
  • Moving up and down is "free". You can move up or down the same distance you move along. So if you move 6" into a ruin, the model can be placed 6" above ground level. Difficult terrain applies. 


  • Must pass a leadership check to shoot at any target except the closest. (Other than if the closest unit is falling back or cannot be fired upon or seen.)
  • If you choose to fire at a Large target (vehicle, artillery or monstrous creature), you can ignore closer normal targets, but a leadership check is required to shoot anything other than the closest Large target. 
  • You must choose your target before measuring for range. 
  • Area Terrain: Models can only see in or out of area terrain up to 6". You cannot see through area terrain even if it is less than 6" thick. Models taller than the area terrain can see over it. (Terrain and models can be classes as Size 1, 2, or 3.)
  • If any model moves, the entire unit counts as having moved for shooting purposes. 
  • Cover saves are better: 
    • Bushes, tall grass, fence: 6+
    • Crates, barrels, logs, pipes, hill crests, woods: 5+
    • Wrecks, vehicles, craters, rocks, rubble, ruins, walls, trenches: 4+
    • Bunkers, fortified buildings: 3+
  • Units partially in cover: if over half the unit is in cover, the entire unit makes cover saves. If not, none get cover saves.
  • Owning player removes casualties of his choice, among those in line of sight and range. Must remove whole models with multiple wounds before applying wounds to new models. 
  • Instant death when strength is double toughness.
  • Rapid Fire: Two shots at 12" away. If stationary, it can choose to make one shot at 24" away. If they shoot, cannot assault. 
  • Pistol: One shot up to 12" if the unit moved. Two shots at 12" if it remained stationary. Cannot charge if the unit remained stationary to shoot twice. 
  • Assault: Same as always. 
  • Heavy: Can only fire if stationary. If they shoot, cannot assault.
  • Sniper: Hits on 2+, wounds on 4+. 2d6 for armor pen but don't add strength. 


  • Charge distance is 6".
  • Can only charge the unit you shot.
  • Assaulting in, out, or through difficult terrain is 2d6 and pick the highest. If you do not make it, you do not move at all.
  • You can fight if within 2" of a friendly model in base-to-base contact. 
  • Models being assaulted while behind/in cover strike at initiative 10.
  • No challenges.
  • Casualties only taken from Engaged models. Surplus wounds discarded.
  • Loser checks morale. Modifiers are for being outnumbered, not by how much you won by.
  • When the loser falls back, make Sweeping Advance check (d6+I).
  • Consolidate move is 3". If you win by Massacre rather than a Sweep, then consolidate move is d6".
  • If the falling back unit only goes 3" then the consolidating unit can re-engage them in melee, but do not count as charging next turn.
  • Pile In move (6") is only at the end of the entire Assault phase (not at each initiative step). Current player moves first. 
  • Weapons:
    • Heavy: Max save is 4+
    • Power: Ignore armor saves
    • Lightning: Ignore saves and re-roll to wound
    • Force: Counts as power plus instant death on Psychic check. 
    • Power Fist: Double strength, initiative 1, ignore saves
    • Thunder: Power Fist, any oponent wounded strikes at initiative 1 next Assault phase, vehicles get Crew Shaken plus whatever else is rolled.
    • Rending: 6 to hit ignores armor and automatically wounds. Roll of 6 for armor pen adds further d6. 
    • Poisoned: Wound on 4+


  • Make check at 25% shooting casualties, losing close combat, or tank shock.
  • Modifiers: -1 to Ld if the unit is below half strength (for any check). 
  • Assault modifiers: -1 if outnumbered, -2 if outnumbered 2:1 or more, -3 if 3:1, etc.  
  • Trapped: If a unit cannot perform a full fallback without doubling back, it is destroyed.
  • Regrouping: Must be at least 50% strength, no enemies within 6" and in coherency. +1 if no enemy within line of sight. If it regroups, it cannot move, but can shoot or assault. If it fails, fall back an additional 2d6".
  • If fall back to the table edge, the unit is destroyed. 

Vehicles / Characters / Psykers:

  • Do not have hull points, only damage tables. Different tables for Glancing, Penetrating and Ordnance.
  • Assaulting a vehicle: attack the side you charged. Automatic hit if stationary, 4+ to hit if it moved 6" or less, 6 to hit if it moved more than 6" last turn or is a skimmer.
  • Psyker must pass test to use power. Perils on 2 or 12: one hit at S6 with no saves. 
  • Characters treated as separate unit in assault. Must be in base contact to fight (not within 2"). Wounds on their unit do not carry over onto character.


  • Scoring units: Everything is scoring unless falling back. We can discuss if we want a house rule to give Objective Secured (tiebreaker) to Troops. 
  • Victory Points are the points value of the unit. 
  • Night Fighting: Units can see 2d6 x 3 inches.  


  1. Wow, no challenges. That's gonna shake up melee, with both squad leaders skooshing normies instead of fighting each other

    Thunder hammers are their old, much less useful selves

    I swear I've never heard of heavy guns reducing armor saves to 4+. That's good for heavy bolters/flames

    Rending is back to being awesome like I remember!

    1. I think the “heavy” rule applies to melee weapons like Khorne chain axes.
