Saturday, December 14, 2024

Blood Angels Terminators

Elite Blood Angels forces have reached the Xhorik System in response to a critical distress call from the planetary governor. All humanity in the sector must only hope they aren't too late...


  1. Ohhh yeah, that's what I am talking about. Space marines in the classic Indomitus pattern terminator armor. The bright red Blood Angels were always a mainstay of the early edition with their bold colors. These guys look excellent. It will be a joy to see them going against Tyranids and Orks, some all-time great foes for marines.
    Now if we just add a back banner pole and Goblin Green bases...

  2. The do look great, but could do w shoulder decals and finished bases. Still, it as awesome to see the classic terminators from our youths, arguably the most influential models of all in terms of getting us into the hobby. Such great helmets. Better than HH terminators that came about much later. Whomever designed them really hit a home run.

  3. Those power fists will make short work of T4, W3 warriors. That's a match up I'd like to avoid

  4. It's so tight how much more dynamic the poses of the newer sculpts are. It's one of the definite improvements that has occurred over time in 40k minis. Old 2nd ed terminators were 10/10 awesome for their time, but stiff and corny by comparison
