Saturday, December 4, 2021

Blood Angels

The Blood Angels have arrived in the Xhorik System!

Garo Arteo - Bloody Executioner of the Crimson Gate: Praetor w/ artificer armor, iron halo, digital
lasers, jump pack, blade of perdition, bolt pistol

The Golden Shields of Baal: 10 breacher marines, void-hardened armor, 8 bolters, 2 melta guns,
breacher shields, sergeant with thunder hammer & artificer armor

The Sanguine Berzerkers:14 assault marines w/ jump packs, bolt pistols, 2 power axes, sergeant with
power fist, plasma pistol, artificer armor

Heavy Support
The Angel’s Judgement: Vindicator Tank w/ demolisher cannon, armored ceramite and twin-linked


  1. Describe the army. Is it 2 assault squads, one w jump packs and one without?

  2. It’s an assault squad with jump packs, a breacher squad with boarding shields, a praetor with jump pack and a vindicator.

  3. I love the high-contrast blood red and black. Definitely one of the most classic space marine color schemes that was probably the most prominent in our early years in the hobby. The boarding shields and jump packs just add an extra level of cool.
