Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Pete's Speed Painting Army - Chaos Cultists

 This army was modeled and painted in around 30 days using a new speed painting method I found online. For perspective, the amount of models I finished in a month would normally take me a year to complete! 

I'll write up some back story and flavor tomorrow evening.


Join us or die!

One close up cultist. Hopefully you can see the glowing red eyes.

Alchem canisters of some freakish drug concoction!

Special weapons crew! Flame is gonna get ya!

Master and commander of the cultists. Yet to be named and given a proper backstory. Coming soon.

Looks just fine from the table top! Not bad for ~1 hour's work!

Two surgical robots plundered from some ravaged world's hospital. Re-programmed to be field medics. Affectionately known among the soldiers as "Dr. Cut" and "Dr. Cauterize".

Look familiar to any Fallout fans out there??

Plundered Leman Russ squadron. Battle cannon, vanquisher cannon and demolisher cannon.

Tank commander overseeing the carnage.

A Malcador Battle Tank. The prized possession of this roving band of madmen and marauders.


Battle cannon, autocannon and 2 lascannon sponsons.

If the battle cannon can't finish 'em, his pea shooter will finish the job!

Comments welcome!!


  1. Lookin awesome! It's still a "Pete" style army; big tank and apothecaries in every squad. Just a slightly lighter variety. I detect a lot of drybrushing! This must have costed you a fortune. Well, maybe not since everything's plastic now. Excellent job, nonetheless. Junky pirates attack!

  2. Your tanks are VERY German looking. Like WW 1 replicas

  3. I am amazed that you painted an entire army in such a short time. You did this whole army in the same amount of time that I built and painted one terrain piece and one squad! The cultists are great and the Fallout bots are a nice original touch. The Malcador is a great model - very Horus Heresy. I better get going building some tanks of my own so we can have some tank battles. Great job.
