Saturday, November 28, 2015

Second Drop Troop

I finished the second one of my Drop Troops, using a slightly different technique. The plan is to now finalize the paint scheme and try to paint a batch all at once. With Orks, I have enjoyed painting individuals or small batches of two because each Ork is an individual.  With these guys, I plan to paint full or half squads all together, not just because it should be a bit faster, but mostly because I want them to look more uniform and consistent. 

The one on the left is the second guy I painted. After undercoating white, I sprayed him a sand color. I don't know if I will do this again because it seemed to fill in some of the detail a bit. The idea was to get a color closer to the final colors so any slight gaps between colors wouldn't stand out so starkly like white does. But it already takes several coats of white spray to cover the model with a nice solid white so adding the sand may have just been too many coats, or more likely the wrong type of spray or poor technique on my part. 

His fatigues were painted a darker brown and then washed before painting the Balor Brown on top as a highlight. On the original guy, the cloth was painted straight Balor, washed and then highlighted Balor Brown. 

Also, the bases turned out a bit different. I can't remember exactly how I did the base on the first guy, which is too bad because I like it. Another reason to do the whole squad at once next time. I also plan to write down what colors I am using so I can do a better job replicating it later. 

So which do you like better? Any suggestions for the rest of the squad? I still need to model most of them so I won't be painting for a while. These guys take a while to clean up and glue together with all their fiddly little resin bits. 

Here is the only other model I have assembled at the moment. He has been basecoated white and then given a spray of sand color.

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