Saturday, February 15, 2025

M31 Campaign: 7-3 Zone Mortalis: Sector Control

 "He who stays on the defensive does not make war; he endures it"

- Praetor Wolfgang, XIV Legion 


While the White Scars and Blood Angels were assisting in Operation Downfall, the Traitors were not sitting idle. They had discovered the location of one of the White Scars' remaining hidden strongholds in the Uhrtar Mountains and had sent a force of Death Guard to eliminate it. Led by Praetor Wolfgang, the White Scars' longtime nemesis in the war for Xhorik Prime, the Death Guard breached the secret entrance and commenced the deadly business of fighting to clear the underground fortress, tunnel by tunnel. Both sides were desperate to hold key Sectors within the stronghold where their forces could re-arm and defend key choke points. 


Sector Control (Zone Mortalis mission from The Siege of Cthonia campaign book)
Game Length: 4 turns with 2+ for turn 5 and 4+ for turn 6.

Primary Objective
Six objectives. At the end of each game turn, each players gains 1 VP for each objective they control. 

Secondary Objectives
Counter Strike: The player without strategic advantage gains 1 VP if the first unit destroyed belongs to the player with strategic advantage.
Champions of Renown: 1 VP for destroying any Character
Blood Toll: 1 VP for destroying an Elite or HQ

6 Reinforcement Points. +2 Reinforcement Points at the end of each game turn. 
Critical Objective: Random objective critical each turn. +2 Reinforcement Points for controlling it.
System Override: Active player can expend a Reinforcement Point to try to gain control of all doors.
Counter Assault: Units can enter from other table edges for extra Reinforcement Points.


Death Guard: Pete
Cataphractii Terminator Praetor
Cataphractii Terminator Squad
Deathshroud Terminator Squad
Contemptor Dreadnought
Tactical Squad
Tactical Squad
Tactical Support Squad with flamers
Tactical Support Squad with volkite

White Scars: Phil
Ebon Keshig Terminator Squad
Contemptor Dreadnought
Tactical Squad
Tactical Squad
Tactical Support Squad with plasma
Outrider Squadron with plasma

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Da Skulltakaz

Like most Deathskulls, Da Skulltakaz are more superstitious than the average ork. They use blue warpaint and blue hair squigs as they believe this brings good luck. They also go into battle with a cleaned and dried skull of a vanquished foe, usually choosing the most recent or the most powerful enemy. They believe these skulls give them a portion of the deceased's power in battle and this belief gives them immense courage and belief in their inevitable victory. They are equipped with a motley variety of weapons that they have scavenged from past battlefields or built themselves from looted parts.

Da Skulltakaz were one of the many Deathskull mobs at the vanguard of the ork invasion into the north of Bhorivor. To the Imperial defenders, they were perceived as extremely brave, or stupid, for running directly through incoming fire to get to their enemies, believing in their lucky paint and totems to see them through. Although they suffered heavy casualties, their headlong charges were enough to dislodge many Imperial defense lines. The sight of an enemy adorned with so many skulls of their fallen comrades, running heedless through oncoming fire, was unnerving even to veterans.