We played this battle probably five or six months ago but I never got a chance to post the photos. Since the weather has been cold and wet all week and I cannot prime any modes, I figure I will work on battle report. Due to the long time since the battle, I won't try to rehash the blow by blow, but looking at the pictures and the score each turn should tell the tale.
Campaign background provided in:
Battle for Provisa 1: Take and Hold
Battle for Provisa 2: Blood Feud
With the results now even, the stage was set for escalation as both sides brought bigger war machines and more units into the fray. The next battle would see both commanders attempting to assert their will on the enemy and claim control over the field.
Scenario: Dominion
Primary Objective
Dominion: Each objective controlled at the start of your turn is worth 1 VP.
The objectives were:
#1 The cathedral ruin (designated by the comms relay model in front)
#2 The central ruin (designated by the red barrel in the center)
#3 The red ruin (designated by the green barrels in the center)
Attrition: The side that destroyed the most enemy units earns d3 VP
Game length: Five turns with a 4+ chance for a sixth turn