Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Sons of Horus Veteran Tactical Squad (unpainted)

 I don't normally bother with photos of unpainted models but this squad took some time to build and it may be a bit before I get them painted since I just realized I am out of black primer. Since I have not had many new posts lately, I may as well show what else I have been working on. 

I used my one sprue of MkIII armor on these guys so they will stand out from the rest of the army and it gives them a look of having served longer than the regular tactical marines. I also added the Spartan crests for an even more clear designation of their elite status. Yes, they have melta guns, just like the terminators. Maybe this army is way too heavy on anti-armor at the moment but I will work to bring more balance to the force as I progress the army. But their best Legion ability is to get +1 to hit when within 12” so this seemed like a good fit. And being an Assault weapon they can fire them and still charge, unlike plasma. 

I used a wide variety of legs to vary the look of the individuals and hopefully to convey the feel of a tactically flexible squad of veterans, where some members are advancing while some lay down covering fire and others kneel for a better shot or to make themselves harder to hit. They all have chainswords or power weapons. The three marines with basic bolters all have chainsaw bayonets for extra coolness. The sergeant is fully leaning into a massive punch with his power fist, his bionic leg stretched out behind him in stride. The little blue circle on the vexilla is a dome-shaped fingernail art bead. I saw a neat idea online where someone painted the center of the vexilla with the Eye of Horus so I am going to copy that idea with a 3D eye shape similar to the Sons of Horus torsos. 

These guys will be slow to paint due to all the detail, plates and rivets of MkIII armor but they will be so fun due to their variety and style that I am looking forward to it. I just need to get a can of black paint and the hobby shop was out the last time I went.

1 comment:

  1. They look awesome and dynamically posed, like all your models. I like the bayonet chain weapons. This squad will be good at everything and against anyone.
