This was a kill team game with the mission where the Tyranids had to kill the leader of the Drop Troops. It seems the Genestealers could instinctively sense the human leader and knew that his DNA would be the most beneficial for the hive...
Tyranids Hive Fleet Tarasque - Infiltration Splinter
Nine Genestealers
Xhorik 87th Drop Troops - 3rd Company, 2nd Platoon
Lieutenant Kipchak with laspistol
Specialist Tarik with melta gun
Specialist Korab with grenade launcher
Drop Trooper Qerim with vox caster
14 Drop Troopers with lasguns
Kill Team Tarasque moves swiftly and silently in search of their targets. |
Kipchak and the men of 2nd Platoon, 3rd Company: The Lucky Bastards |