Da Blitzdreg Boyz: Battle Forged Combined Arms Detachment - Phil
- Warboss Ugruk: 'Eavy armor, shoota, power klaw, boss pole, Da' Lucky Stikk
- Painboy
- Mek (with 'Ard Boyz): kustom mega blasta
- Mek (with Shoota Boyz): kustom mega blasta
- 'Ard Boyz: 11 boyz with 'eavy armor. Nob with boss pole and power klaw.
- Trukk with rokkit launcha
- Slugga Boyz: 19 boyz. Nob with boss pole and power klaw.
- Shoota Boyz: 14 boyz. Nob with boss pole. 1 rokkit launcha.
- Grotz: 17 gretchin. Runtherd with squighound.
- Tankbustas: 7 boyz
- Meganobz: 3 Meganobz. 1 with killsawz. 1 with boss pole.
- Trukk with rokkt launcha
- Kommandos: 10 boyz. 1 burna. Nob with boss pole and power klaw.
- Bikes x 7. Nob with boss pole and power klaw.
- Warbuggy with twin-linked rokkits
- Skorcha Trakk
- Killa Kan with rokkit launcha
The Red Brotherhood: Battle Forged Combined Arms Detachment (Mostly) - Pete
- Company Captain Kane with Artificer Armor, Teeth of Terra, and Storm Shield
- 5 Tactical Terminators. 1 Assault Cannon
- Squad Alpha: 10 Tactical Marines. 1 flamer. 1 missile launcher.
- Squad Beta: 6 Tactical Marines. 1 plasma gun.
- Razorback with twin-linkd lascannons and storm bolter
- 5 Devastator Marines: 2 Heavy Bolters. 2 Lascannons
- Land Raider Crusader with Multi-melta, 2 x Hurricane Bolters and twin-linked Assault Cannon.
- Dreadnought with twin-linked lascannon and twin-linked autocannon.
- White Scars Tactical Squad: 8 marines. 1 with plasma gun.
- Allied Xhorik 87th Drop Troops squad: 10 Troopers. 1 with grenade launcher.
Mission: Control the Kleinhaurker (Mission 2 from IA:3 The Taros Campaign, "Assault on Missile Silo Decima")
Primary Objective: 2 VP if you hold the primary objective at the end of the game. The attacker can get 1 VP for destroying the objective (it can still be held after being destroyed). The objective has AV13 (we reduced it from 14 in the actual mission because our armies are a bit smaller than the 1500 points recommended) and it can be shot or assaulted. Glancing hits have no effect. Penetrating hits roll on a damage able that reduces the remaining AV. If the AV reaches 0, it is destroyed.
Secondary Objectives: Slay the Warlord, First Blood.
Game Length: 7 turns. The defender can attempt to end the game early by rolling under the remaining armor value on 3d6, beginning at the end of Turn 4.
Roll for attacker/defender and orks are defender.
Deployment Type: Long table edges
Roll for deployment zone selection and orks pick western edge.
Defender (orks) deploys and goes first.
Warlord Traits:
Warboss Ugruk: +1 to run and assault rolls for units within 12" of Warlord.
Commander Kain: Causes Fear with Fear tests on 3d6.
Campaign Impact: We decided that if the orks held the (undestroyed) objective at the end of the game, they could use the Kleinhaurker to build battlewagons for future games.