Monday, July 20, 2015

Ork Tread Bike WIP

While browsing the internet to try to better understand how motorcycles look and get conversion ideas for bikes with treads (to use some of the old 2nd edition bike frames I still have), I cam across this little gem. The Modern Mechanix cover looks like something straight out of Fallout. I have definitely found the inspiration for my next Ork warbike!

The tread from the old Wartrakk is a perfect fit.

The tread is so wide that I will need to fill a gap between the sides of the bike. Should be a challenge to make it look decent.

Obviously, I am not very far along. I just have a basic outline for what I want, but it should be fun to see where it goes from here. I don't have a master plan. I am just going to release my inner mek and start building. If it ends up a little wonky, no big deal. If it totally sucks, I will scrap it. But hopefully it becomes a unique bike for my army.

1 comment:

  1. I still can't see how is the driver supposed to steer this thing.
