Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ded 'Ard an' Proppa'

To me, 'ard boyz just truly personify the 40k Space Ork concept: big, hulking brutes covered with slabs of plate steel, helmets with big horns, iron gobs and spiky bitz. Chipped paint, battle damaged armor, and  oversize, rusty weapons. They have a ton of character.

Here are the latest two that I finally finished painting.

I've added more battle damage, dirt and rust to this mob. Still working on getting the right effect and right amount, but it's not bad. I also started drilling my gun barrels for the first time. I like the look, but it can be hard to get it centered.

The big, spiked mace is truly orky. And it has a kustom knuckle guard added for close range sluggin'.

And here they are with the other two I posted last time. They are looking ready for a rumble. I'm using the red and black stripes as their skwad markings. I have six more to paint plus I plan to add a nob and a mek in a trukk and call them the "Wreckin' Krew." Maybe with 'eavy armor and a trukk, they will survive long enough to get up close and wreck some Marines. Waaagh!

I like what I have so far. I'll just keep working on them at my snail's pace and maybe I'll have the whole mob done by the end of the year!


  1. Lookin' wicked, brother! I just hope you have enough shoulder pads and iron gobs to go around. I dislike the ork armies i see in which the skarboyz are indistinguishable from the normal boyz. Make 'em big and 'ard! Your opponent shouldn't be confused about who's who.

    1. This mob will definitely stand out. Besides plates, shields and iron gobs, a bunch of them have heavier and more kustomized close combat weapons. You'll see a few more in the next batch. Originally, some of these guys were converted to be skar boyz and the +1 STR was going to be represented by their bigger weapons. But I think that logic still works for my 'ard boyz since I want them to look like a (sort of) elite unit that stands out from the regular boyz.

  2. PS. Great job on the horns and battle damage!
