Monday, May 27, 2024

White Scars Sicaran Arcus Squadron

I bought these during Covid when inventory was limited, during the last edition of Horus Heresy. I thought Sicarans were a good fit for the White Scars because they were designated as Fast in that edition (in second edition, they have a mere 2" more movement than a Predator) and of course because the Sicaran body is such an iconic look for Heresy. I also hoped these could provide my White Scars with some much-needed firepower. 

The exposed treads in the front look so good, even if its not a practical design.

In White Scars fashion, despite an overall similar scheme, each tank has some unique markings.

The White Scars have been fighting a long campaign in the Xhorik System and their equipment is covered in rust and dust. 

The Arcus launchers can fire a variety of missiles. 

Lascannon sponsons give them a more reliable weapon against enemy armor. 

Ready to join the campaign.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

White Scars Army Update

Here is where the White Scars stand as of the middle of the Second Arc of the grand campaign. The Brotherhood of the Wind has been defeated. Their leader, Khan Turan Jorma, has been critically injured and entombed into a dreadnought. Normally seen as a curse by the Brotherhood, Khan Jorma was entombed for two reasons: as punishment for his failure and in order that he should have his revenge. The Brotherhood of the Wind was no more. They would henceforth call themselves the Brotherhood of the Broken Blade. They lived now only for vengeance and the death of the Traitors. The survivors were augmented by V Legion recon units that had been spread through the eastern deserts as they trickled back westward to join them. Too depleted for pitched battles, the new Brotherhood fought from the shadows with surprise strikes aimed at sabotage or assassination. Their strategy was to stay on the move, striking and then disappearing before the Traitors could retaliate. However, when cornered, they would fight to the death with a terrible ferocity fueled by shame, vengeance and raw hatred.

Brotherhood of the Broken Blade

Khan Turan Jorma reborn

Centurion Champion Subotei flanked by two veterans

Recon Squad Chono, "The Hunters"

Stormseer Qiu Tongmi, Spirit Immortal

Praetor Muqal took on the mantle of command

Outrider Squad Tsujen

Ebon Keshig Contemptor Dreadnought

Sabre Strike Tank Squadron with neutron blasters

Centurion Champion Subotei

Tactical Squad 

Tactical Squad Temgar

Scout Squad ös khonzon, The Vengeance

Recon Squad The Grey Ghosts

Skyhunter Squad Khujaa

Tactical Support Squad Khoer led by Elder Brother Sergeant Gansukh

Xiphon Interceptor Ariunbold

Sicaran Omega Flamespear

White Scars Brotherhood of the Broken Blade

3 HQ

2 Elites

6 Troops

3 Dedicated Transport

5 Fast Attack

1 Heavy Support

3601 points

79 models, 2 walkers, 8 vehicles

Rites of War: Recon Company, Chogorian Brotherhood, Sagyar Mazan