The following are profiles of the main fighting forces of the Xhorik Campaign of the Horus Heresy in the middle of that period.
The World Eaters: XII Legion, ++[Company Designation Unknown]++
Commander: Ghrodd the Slaughter Lord (Overall Campaign Commander)
Notables: Chaplain Zungarz
Rites of War Utilized: The Crimson Path
Fighting style(s): Aggressive assaults backed by armor
The Death Guard: XIV Legion, ++[Company Designation Unknown]++
**[Pic-capt corrupted]**
Commander: Praetor Wolfgang
Notables: Sergeant Albrecht
Rites of War Utilized: The Reaping
Fighting style(s): Relentless advance supported by heavy firepower
The Sons of Horus: XVI Legion, 12th Company

Commander: Praetor Ezman Vyke
Rites of War Utilized: Pride of the Legion
Fighting style(s): Application of concentrated force using elite infantry with supporting fire
The Iron Battalion, The Chem Hounds
++[Pic-capt corrupted]++
Commander: General Titus Ghoulv, Robber Baron
Provenances of War Utilized: Alchem-Jackers, Industrial Stronghold
Fighting style(s): Wall of heavy armor followed by blocks of heavy infantry
Blood Angels: IX Legion, ++[Company Designation Unknown]++
Commander: Garo Arteo, Bloody Executioner of the Crimson Gate, Paragon of Unity
Rites of War Utilized: The Day of Sorrows
Fighting style(s): Solid center that holds the line while one or both flanks advance rapidly
Former Commanders: Praetor Zalitai Zherdan (deceased), Khan Turan Jorma (entombed in dreadnought)
Notables: Centurion Delegatus Kuyuk (deceased), Sergeant Khaljyk, Consul Champion Subotei, Stormseer Qiu Tongmi
Rites of War Utilized: Chogorian Brotherhood (Brotherhood of the Wind); Legion Recon Company (Brotherhood of the Broken Blade)
Fighting style(s): Rapid strikes and maneuvers (BotW); Ambushes, assassinations and suicide tactics (BotBB)
Xhorik 87th Drop Troops, 3rd Company, The Firebirds
Current Commander: Captain Skander Xhaer, Marcher Lord
Notables: Lieutenant Tarvar
Provenances of War Utilized: Warrior Elite, Legacy of the Great Crusade
Fighting style(s): Combat drops with air support; massed elite infantry with artillery support